
Friday 4 May 2012

Autumn balance

~Creating an autumn space with a celebration of autumn colours and bounty. I love to bring the seasons into my home it makes me feel more balanced and connected with the world around me. 
~Embracing the weather and the changes in our environment and in our bodies which occur with the moving seasons. I can feel the subtle change towards woolen clothes and warm nourishing soups slowly coming on.
~Loving the round perfectly orange pumpkins we bought in a few weeks ago so much they are living on my table as decoration while they wait to be eaten.

~Finding pleasure in autumn flowers, calendulas, pineapple sage and nasturtiums, both for admiring and adding to salads.

~ Rejoicing that my mum visited and helped me finally make some successful loaves of bread in the bread maker! The only difference we could find in our techniques was i was adding warm instead of cold water. But that little change made all the difference and i am finally eating freshly baked loaves!

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